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  • Kuhn, G., Bulfor-Forbes, R., Schirru, L. & Valecke, M., (2024). Forcing decisions using the placement force – Insights from eye movements and individual differences. Science of Magic Association Conference, Las Vegas, USA

  • Rappert., B & Kuhn, G. (2024). Toward a theory of exposure. Science of Magic Association Conference, Las Vegas, USA

  • Gibgot, T., Kuhn, G., Ekroll, V.  & Thomas, C. (2024). Magic InSIGHT: More than meets the eye. Science of Magic Association Conference, Las Vegas, USA

  • Kuhn, G., Thomas, C., Gibgot, T., & Ekrol, V. (2024). Magic for the blind - Are auditory tricks impossible? Science of Magic Association Conference, Las Vegas, USA

  • Griffiths, T., Thomas, C. & Kuhn, G. (2024). An intuitive taxonomy of magic effects. Science of Magic Association Conference, Las Vegas, USA

  • Barnhart, A. S., Tuchel, S., Kuhn, G., & Daniel J. Simons, D. J. (2023). Identifying the Boundaries of Magic: A Qualitative Study of Expert Magicians. BSA workshop on the art & aesthetics of illusion, London, UK

  • Rustrick, E., Pattundeen, S., Chamberlain, R., & Kuhn, G. (2023). Enjoyment of Magic and Individual Differences. BSA workshop on the art & aesthetics of illusion, London, UK

  • Kuhn, G., Pailhes, A., Bagienski, S. (2023). Enjoying the impossible:  Empirical investigations into illusions of impossibility. BSA workshop on the art & aesthetics of illusion, London, UK

  • Kuhn, G., Masters, P., Smith, W., & Bagienski, S. (2023). Combined magic deception – Investigating the “veil principle’. Experimental Psychology Society, Plymouth, UK

  • Kuhn, G. (2022). What does misdirection tell us about attention? Attention: An Interdisciplinary Workshop, London School of Economics, London, UK

  • Pailhès, A., Lee, K., & Kuhn, G. (2022). Misdirecting memory: How magicians use misinformation to create false memories. Science of Magic Association Conference, London, UK

  • Pailhès, A., Fihlo, R.,  & Kuhn, G. (2022).  Sharing secrets: The effects of sharing the secret method behind a magic trick on perceived trustworthiness, closeness, and the art of magic. Science of Magic Association Conference, London, UK

  • Masters, P., Bagienski, S., Kuhn, G., & Smith, W. (2022). Deceptive combinations and counterfactuals: an experimental study of 'the veil principle'. Science of Magic Association Conference, London, UK

  • Kuhn,G.,  Thomas, C.,  & Griffiths, T (2022). A multidimensional taxonomy of magic tricks. Science of Magic Association Conference, London, UK

  • Kuhn, G., (2020). What is special about social attention?  Re-examining ecological validity. Experimental Psychology Society,  online 

  • Bagienski, S.,  & Kuhn, G., (2019). The magical means of building close connections and community during the college transition: A novel arts-based positive intervention. The Science of Magic Association Conference, Chicago, USA

  • Kumari, S., Deterding, S. & Kuhn, G. (2019). Creating the illusion of free choice - How forcing can influence video game design. The Science of Magic Association Conference, Chicago, USA

  • Lan, Y & Kuhn, G. (2019). Forcing you to experience wonder: Unconsciously biasing people's choice through strategic physical positioning. The Science of Magic Association Conference, Chicago, USA

  • Mohr, C. & Kuhn, G. (2019). News from the front – Impact of magic on paranormal and pseudo -scientific beliefs. The Science of Magic Association Conference, Chicago, USA

  • Smith,W., Kuhn, G., Sonenberg,L., Dignum, F. & Kirley, M.  (2019). Magic by Machines: Exploring the possibilities and consequences of computers using conjuring principles to deceive people. The Science of Magic Association Conference, Chicago, USA

  • Pailhès, & Kuhn, G. (2019). A psychologically-based taxonomy of magicians’ forcing techniques: How conjurers influence our choices, their outcomes, and how to use it as a tool to study psychological mechanisms. The Science of Magic Association Conference, Chicago, USA

  • Ortega, J.,  Barnhart, A., & Kuhn, G. (2019). Metacognitive illusions: The error of overestimating and underestimating others’ ability to detect a change in a magic trick. The Science of Magic Association Conference, Chicago, USA

  • Kuhn, G. (2019). Is magic a truly multimodal experience? Why vision dominates. Multimodality: Illusion, Performance, Experience, Aahaus, Denmark

  • Pailhes, A. & Kuhn, G. (2019). HOW SUBTLE GESTURES CAN INFLUENCE DECISIONS: A magicians’ forcing technique using non-verbal primes to influence your choice of card. ESCOP, Tenerife, Spain

  • Pailhes, A. Pascual, A., & Kuhn, G. (2019). I KNOW WHO YOU ARE! Social influence on sensitivity to subtle factors, using magicians forcing techniques. EPS

  • Kuhn, G & Mohr, C., (2019) Mind reading in the classroom: Uncovering paranormal beliefs with stage magic. Ancient Magic and Rituals, London, UK

  • Lesaffre L., Kuhn,, G., Mantzouranis, G., Andres, M.,, Rochat, D.,, Jopp, D.,  Jenny, M. & Mohr, C. (2018). Psychic experience at University sows doubts in observers’ initial magical (dis)beliefs.  Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, Glasgow, UK

  • Kuhn,G.(2018). Uncovering paranormal beliefs with stage magic. Inauguration of the Cognitive and Affective Regulation Laboratory (CARLA). Department of Psychology, University of Lausanne, Switzerland

  • Millett, A., Kuhn, G., Vacaityte, I., D’Souza, A., & Cole, G. G. (2018). Mental states modulate gaze following, but not automatically. Applied Vision Association, Bradford, UK.  

  • Kuhn, G., & Mohr, C. (2018). Mind reading in the classroom: Uncovering paranormal beliefs with stage magic. Workshop on Mind Reading as Cultural Practice, Berlin, Germany

  • Mohr, C., & Kuhn, G. (2018). Mind reading in the classroom: Uncovering the emergence of paranormal beliefs using stage magic. Association for the scientific study of consciousness (ASSC, 22), KRAKOW (POLAND).

  • Wicht, C., Mohr, C., Simmons, K., Thomas, C., Lesaffre, L.,&Kuhn, G.(2018). Explain paranormal events – influence by pre-existing beliefs and availability of alternative explanations. Association for the scientific study of consciousness (ASSC, 22), Krako, Poland.

  • Mohr, C. &  Kuhn, G. (2017). Symposia organisation “What Is the Magic Experience?” ICPS 2017, Vienna Austria

  • Vaughan, E., Caffaratti, H., Thomas, C., & Kuhn, G.(2017). Please Clap and observe! The effect of audience presence on the experience of magic. Science of Magic Conference, London, UK, 31st August.

  • Galligan, T., Mora, L., Kuhn, G.& Cocchini, G. (2017). Plasticity of mental hand representation: The magic hand. Science of Magic Conference, London, UK, 31st August.

  • Thomas, C., Didierjean, A., & Kuhn, G.(2017). It is magic! How impossible solutions prevent the discovery of obvious ones? Science of Magic Conference, London, UK, 31st August.

  • Thomas, C., Didierjean, A., & Kuhn, G. (2017). It is magic! How impossible solutions prevent the discovery of obvious ones? 58th Annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Vancouver, Canada. 8-11 November.

  • Caffaratti, H., Thomas, C., &Kuhn, G.(2017). The Prestige:  Why disappearing object must always reappear.Science of Magic Conference, London, UK, 31st August

  • Ortega, J.,  Montañes, P., Barnhart, A & Kuhn, G.(2017). Errors in visual metacognition using cognitive illusions. Science of Magic Conference, London, UK, 31st August

  • Kuhn, G.& Pittas, M. (2017). Don’t do it again.  Repeating the same trick reduces our magical experience! Science of Magic Conference, London, UK, 31st August

  • Lim Siu Ching, V.,  Wright, G. & Kuhn, G.(2017). Not So Creative After All: The Investigation of the Dark Triad in Conducting Insight Problem Solving Using Classic and Magic Problems. Science of Magic Conference, London, UK, 31st August

  • Bagienski, S. & Kuhn, G. (2017). The Crossroads of Magic and Well-being: A Review of Wellbeing-focused Magic Programs, Empirical Studies, and Conceivable Theories. Science of Magic Conference, London, UK, 31st August

  • Kuhn, G. & Mansour, H. (2017). Studying “natural” eye movements in “unnatural” social environments. International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS), Vienna, Austria, 23th March

  • Thomas, C., Didierjean, A., & Kuhn, G. (2017). It is magic! How impossible solutions prevent the discovery of obvious ones?  International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS), Vienna, Austria, 23th March.

  • Thomas, C., Didierjean, A., & Kuhn, G. (2017). It is magic! How impossible solutions prevent the discovery of obvious ones? Invited speaker at the Lunchtime Seminar, University of Fribourg, Switzerland, 1st June.

  • Leighton, J., Kuhn, G.,& Thomas, C. (2017). Think outside of the box! False solutions block our mind and not the eye. Talk given at the Science of Magic Conference, London, UK, 1st September.

  • Gygax, P., Thomas, C., Didierjean, A., & Kuhn, G.(2017). When sexism creeps into perception: How gender stereotypes affect the way we perceive a magic trick. Talk given at the Science of Magic Conference, London, UK, 1st September.

  • Thomas, C., Didierjean, A., & Kuhn, G. (2017). The Flushtration Count Illusion: Attribute substitution tricks our visual perception. Talk given at the Science of Magic Conference, London, UK, 31st August.

  • Thomas, C., Didierjean, A., & Kuhn, G. (2017). The Flushtration Count Illusion: Attribute substitution tricks our visual perception. 59th Annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society, New Orleans, USA. 15-18th November.

  • Cole, G. G. Vacaityte, I., D’Souza, A., & Kuhn, G. (2017). Automatic and controlled visual perspective taking. Psychonomic Society, Vancouver.

  • Kuhn, G., Vacaityte, L., D’Souza, A., & Cole, G. G. (2016). Gaze following and spontaneous perspective taking. Experimental Psychology workshop, Durham.

  • Kuhn, G.(2016). Misdirection and the dual function of gaze. Epos, Amsterdam, 25thNov.

  • Cole, G. G., Pickering, A. & Kuhn, G.(2015). ‘Rare’ emotive faces and attentional orienting. Psychonomic Society meeting, Chicago.

  • Chapman, S. Kuhn,, G., Barry, G. & Cocchini, G. (2015).  A Balint's syndrome case with preserved navigation skills. Conference of the European Societies of Neuropsychology, Tampere Hall, Finland. 9th– 11thNov. 

  • Sumner, E., Kuhn, G.& Hill, E. (2015). Using eye tracking to investigate action prediction skills in children with Developmental Coordination Disorder. ECEM, Vienna, Austria. 16th– 21stAug. 

  • Sumner, E., Kuhn, G. & Hill, E. (2015). Oculomotor function in children with and without Developmental Coordination Disorder. ECEM, Vienna, Austria. 16th– 21stAug.

  • Batten, J. P; Kuhn, G.; Smith, T. J. (2015). Can We Entrain the Saccade Timer to Musical Tempo? ECEM, Vienna, Austria. 16th– 21stAug.

  • Connell, C. J. W., Charlton, J. B., Turner, C.E., Kuhn, G., Claffey, M.P., Thompson, B. & Gant, N. (2014). Visual perception and oculomotor control are robust to acute hypoxia, ARVO, Orlando, USA. 3rd– 6thMay.

  • Liu, Y., Lao, J., Miellet, S., Kuhn, G. & Caldara, R. (2013). iMap Motion: Validating a Novel Method for Statistical Fixation Mapping of Temporal Eye Movement Data. Vision Science Society, Naples, USA,10th– 15thMay. 

  • Bishop, D., Kuhn, G. & Teszka, R. (2013). Efficacy of an Eye Movement Training Protocol for Decision-Making in Soccer. ECEM, Lund, Sweden. 11th– 16thAug. 

  • Teszka, R. & Kuhn, G. (2013). Magic for All Ages: Children and Adults Respond Differently to Misdirection. ECEM, Lund, Sweden. 11th– 16thAug. 

  • Kuhn, G. (2013). Do you look where I look? Eyes bias where you look, but overt gaze following is inhibited by direct top down control! ECEM, Lund, Sweden. 11th– 16thAug. 

  • Kuhn, G. & Vaicaityte, I. (2013). Social attention in real world scenes:  Gaze following is modulated by the visibility of the target. ECEM, Lund, Sweden. 11th– 16thAug. 

  • Connell, C., Thompson, B., Duncan, S., Claffey, M., Kuhn, G. & Gant, G., (2013). Caffeine ingestion improves saccadic eye movement following fatiguing exercise. Fatigue-induced impairments in saccade velocity are reversed by caffeine. A moderate dose of caffeine increases saccade velocity. ARVO, Orlando, USA, 5th– 10thMay. 

  • Kuhn, G. & Rensink, R. (2012). The Science of Magic: Turning magic into Science! ASSC, Brighton, 2nd– 6thJuly. 

  • Kuhn, G., Narayn, D., & Teszka, R. (2012). Prestige Blindness: The need for a vanished object to re-appear! ASSC, Brighton, 2nd– 6thJuly.

  • Kuhn, G. & Rensink, R. (2012). How does the science of magic contribute to science? ASSC, Brighton, 2nd– 6thJuly.

  • Thompson, T., Duncan, S. Kuhn, G. & Gant, N. (2012). Fatigue and hypoglycaemia impair saccade velocity and accuracy but not visual perception, ARVO, Orlando, USA. 5th  – 10thMay. 

  • Kuhn, G. Teszka, R. Tenaw, N, & Kingstone, A. (2011). How magicians use language to misdirect visuospatial attention. European Conference on Eye Movements, Marseilles,  21st  - 25th  Aug.

  • Teszka, R.,  Kingstone, A. & Kuhn, G. (2011). Now You See It, Now You Don't: How social cues and questions misdirect our attention. Cognitive Science, Boston, 20th  - 24thJuly.

  • Kuhn, G., & Tipples, J. (2011). Enhanced gaze following for fearful faces. It depends on what you are looking for! Experimental Psychology Society, London. 9th– 10thJan. 

  • Kuhn, G. (2010). Using magic to investigate attentional abnormalities in autism. Methods workshop on Visual Processing of Complex Stimuli, Sheffield, 25thAug.

  • Laidlaw, K., Foulsham, T., Kuhn, G., & Kingstone, A. (2010). The importance of being present: The effect of a real or videotaped person on visual attention.  10th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Portland, OR, USA. 8th– 10thAug.

  • Leekam, S. R., Kuhn, G. & Kourkoulou, A. (2010). How magic changes our expectations about autism.    International Meeting for Autism Research, Philadelphia, USA, 20th– 22ndMay. 

  • Kuhn, G. (2010). The science of magic: What can it tell us about consciousness and awareness? Workshop on Unconscious Processing. British Psychological Society Consciousness section. Brighton, 11th  May.

  • Cole, G. G., & Kuhn, G. (2010). The role of attention in a masked-prime paradigm. ECVP. Lausanne, Switzerland, 22nd– 26thAug. 

  • Cole, G. G., & Kuhn, G. (2010). What the experimenter’s prime tells the observer’s brain. Experimental Psychology Society, Manchester, 12th– 14thApril. 

  • Cole, G. G., & Kuhn, G. (2010). The influence of attention in the negative compatibility effect. Applied Vision Association, Liverpool. 5th June

  • Cole, G. G., & Kuhn, G. (2009). Influence of spatial attention on the negative compatibility effect. Psychonomic Society, Boston. USA. 19th– 22nd Nov. 

  • Cavina-Pratesi C, Kuhn G, Ietswaart M, & Milner D (2009). The magic grasp: insights into the organization of visually guided actions. Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, USA, 17th  - 21stOct.

  • Benson, V. Kuhn, G. & Fletscher-Watson, S. (2009). Eye movements in autism disorder. European Conference on Eye Movements, Southampton, UK, 23rd  – 27thAug.

  • Kuhn, G. & Leekam, S. (2009). Susceptibility to magic illusions in autism. European Conference on Eye Movements, Southampton,  23rd  – 27th  Aug.  

  • Kuhn, G. The Science of magic. (2009). Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness. Berlin, Germany, 5th  – 8th  June. 

  • Kuhn, G. & Cole, G. G. (2008). When Two People are Seen as One: Perception of Social Interaction Influences Object-Based Attention. Symposium on Visual Search and Selective, Murten, CH, 16th- 19thJuly.

  • Cole, G., Kuhn, G. Kentridge, R. W. &Heywood, C. A. (2008). Priority for singletons in the change detection paradigm. Symposium on Visual Search and Selective, Murten, CH, 16th- 19thJuly.

  • Kuhn, G. (2008). Misdirecting people's attention: What can misdirection tell us about attention and awareness? Vision Science Society, Naples, USA 9th – 14th  May.

  • Kuhn, G. & Kingstone, A. (2007). Is Gaze Following Truly Automatic? On Our Inability to ignore Where Another Person Is Looking. European Society for Cognitive Psychology Meeting, Marseilles, France, 29th  - 31stAug.

  • Cole, G. & Kuhn, G. (2007). New objects, visual transients and attentional capture, British Psychological Society - Cognitive Section Meeting, Aberdeen, 23rd  - 24thAug.

  • Kuhn, G. & Benson, V. (2007). The influence of eye-gaze and arrow pointing distractor cues on voluntary eye movements. Experimental Psychology Society Meeting, Edinburgh, 3rd  - 6thJuly.

  • Kuhn, G. (2007). The magic of conscious perception. How immediate experience affects the vanishing ball illusion. Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, Las Vegas, USA, 22nd  - 25thNov. 

  • Kuhn, G. Tatler. B. W. & Cole, G. G. (2006). Do we attend where we're looking or do we look where we're attending? Investigating misdirection in magic. Psychonomics Society, Houston, USA, 16th– 19thNov.

  • Cole, G. G, Kuhn G. & Liversedge, S. P. (2006). Attentional priority and the high level representation of object appearance. Psychonomics Society, Houston, USA, 16th– 19thNov.

  • Parris, B. A. Kuhn, G. & Hodgson, T. L. (2006). Imaging the impossible: a neuroimaging study of cause and effect violations in magic tricks, SfN Neuroscience, Atlanta, USA, 10th– 13thOct. 

  • Cole, G. G. & Kuhn, G. (2006) New objects, visual transients and attentional capture. Experimental Psychology Society meeting, Birmingham. 10th– 12thApril. 

  • Kuhn, G. & Land, M. F. (2005). Keeping an eye on the ball. The magic of representational momentum. European Conference on Eye movements, Bern, Switzerland, 15th  – 18thJuly.

  • Kuhn, G. & Tatler, B. W (2003). Eye movements whilst watching magic. 5th Active Vision Workshop, Brighton, 22ndSept. 

  • Kuhn, G. & Dienes, Z. (2003). The form of knowledge acquired in implicit learning of musical structures. European Society for Philosophy and Psychology meeting, Turin, Italy, 9thJuly.

  • Kuhn, G. & Dienes, Z. (2003). Play it again Sam, until we like it. Can implicit learning in music go beyond the learning of adjacent chunks? Experimental Psychology Society meeting, London, 6th– 7thJan.

  • Kuhn, G. Dienes, Z. (2002). Can implicit learning in music go beyond the learning of adjacent chunks? Annual meeting of the Pychonomic Society, November. Kansas, USA, 20th  – 25thNov.

School of Psychology,  Portland Square, University of Plymouth, Drake Circus, Plymouth, PL4 8AA 

© 2018 by MAGIC lab: Mind Attention & General Illusory Cognition

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